Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What's in your head? Zombie, Zombie

Dear Reader,

I find the most difficult part of being unoccupied so much of the time is that I live inside my head constantly, and have to face all of those dark, complicated, insidious thoughts that so often get shoved aside when I'm busy or gainfully employed.  Things like: Are we really coming out of this recession or is it just going to get worse?  Will my time unemployed further negatively impact my future attempts to make headway in a career?  Is there anyone worth voting for--OR, better yet--who do I want the LEAST to make it into our national leadership? 

When I'm working my most pressing concerns tend to involve things like: is it a good time to start looking for a house, and can we save enough for a down payment?  Or, when should I stop birth control and start trying to get pregnant so that the birth would be at the most convenient time for my employment and so that I can spend the most time possible with my child before going back to work?  And: should we stop eating out so much so that I can try to lose some weight and get in better shape?

Of course, all of those other global concerns pop up from time to time, particularly when I read or listen to the news, but now that I have so much time on my hands I can't help but obsess about them all the time.   Where is this country headed?  Why do people seem to hate each other so much when they really have so much in common with one another?  Are people really trying to sow discord and confusion--is it deliberate--or is it just the natural state of things?  And: do I really matter?  What can one person do to effect harmony and equality in the world?

I have this sneaky, sinking feeling that the quote/unquote "1%", whoever they really are, are quite content with the level of internal backbiting amongst the American people and in the world as a whole.  Corporate bigwigs, religious hierarchy, career politicians--they all make off like bandits directly and indirectly because of the hatred and distrust amongst us.  Democrats versus Republicans versus Tea Partiers, Left versus Right, Moralists and Religious Fanatics versus Secularists and Moderates.  Religious Fanatics versus different Religious Fanatics.  Capitalists versus Socialists.  Intellectuals versus the "Common Folk".  We're all sheeple, a bunch of puppets on strings and we dance any way they want.  Who can see the bigger picture when we're too busy getting caught up in the details?  Every which way you look, more little distractions are placed in the way to block your view. Aargh! 

Dear Reader, I don't want to be a zombie, a sheeple.  I want to be a realist, to make a difference.  One person may not have the strength to move a giant stone, but when a thousand or a million "single" persons all wake up from this zombie-like state and push together it doesn't take that much individual effort to get the thing rolling.  Mind that they don't get distracted and trample each other to death in the process.

I wish I could get out of my head just live my life--make a life for myself.  I don't want to get caught up in anything.  I don't want to go out on a limb.  I just want a simple life, a simple, pleasant existence.  I want people to get along, wealth to be fairly distributed, nobody to starve, Netflix to recombine their services, and life to be affordable but not extravagant.  Dear Reader, is that too much to ask for?

Until next time,
--The Limbo Runner

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